Governance for Cloud Operations

December 06, 2021

Governance for Cloud Operations

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate. With the advantages of cost-efficiency, scalability, and high availability, more and more companies are adopting cloud technologies. However, these advantages come with their own set of challenges. One such challenge is cloud governance, which is a critical part of cloud operations.

In this article, we will compare different governance models for cloud operations and their importance.

Why is governance important for cloud operations?

Governance in cloud operations ensures that there are policies and procedures in place that are designed to meet the organization's business and regulatory requirements. Cloud governance provides visibility and accountability, ensures compliance, and reduces risks associated with cloud deployment.

Here are some statistics that show the importance of governance in cloud operations:

  • 80% of companies experienced at least one cloud data breach in the past 18 months. (Source: Accurics)
  • 44% of businesses have already started their cloud governance journey, up from 33% in 2019. (Source: Flexera)
  • Organizations with a comprehensive cloud governance plan spend 76% less time on security issues when compared to those who don't. (Source: IDC)

Different governance models for cloud operations

There are different governance models that organizations can choose from to implement cloud governance. Here are some of the most common governance models:

Center of Excellence (CoE)

The Center of Excellence (CoE) governance model is designed to provide a centralized team that is responsible for managing cloud services, ensuring compliance, and providing guidance to other teams in the organization. This model is ideal for large organizations that have multiple teams working on cloud-related projects.

Federated Governance Model

Federated Governance Model is designed to provide decentralized governance, allowing individual teams within an organization to have some autonomy in how they use cloud services. Under this model, individual teams are responsible for managing their own cloud environments, but there are still standards and guidelines that must be met across the organization.

Hybrid Model

The Hybrid Model is a combination of the Center of Excellence and Federated Governance Models. Under this model, some teams within the organization have the autonomy to manage their own cloud environments, while other critical teams are managed centrally through a CoE.


Cloud governance is essential for organizations that are operating in a cloud environment. It is critical to ensure that there are policies, procedures, and guidelines in place to ensure that the organization remains compliant and secure. Choosing the right governance model depends on the size and complexity of the organization, as well as its cloud maturity level.

We hope that this article has provided valuable insights into cloud governance for cloud operations. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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